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Word endings spelt -cious or -tious
Words ending with -tial and -cial
Words ending in -ant, -ance,-ancy, -ent, -ence,-ency
Words ending in -able and ible, and words endings in -ably and -ibly
Adding suffixes to words ending in -fer
Words containing the letter-string ough
The 'ee' sound spelt 'ei' after 'c'
Phases of the Moon
Phases of the Moon 2
Comprehension1 Bees
Comprehension2 Bigfoot
Comprehension3 Neil Alden Armstrong
Comprehension4 The Cave
Comprehension5 The town mouse and the country mouse
Comprehension1 Calming excercise
Comprehension2 Kayla Braves the Storm
Comprehension3 Luca's Big Secret
Comprehension4 Playground
Comprehension5 Robots
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